Wow, two posts in one week. What is the world coming to? I was looking at my website the other day, and I realized that going by my blog, you might thing all I have been doing over the last couple months is trying to get work with Marvel (and failing, BTW!). Well, that is simply not the case.
I work. A lot.
Just ask my wife!
I've been so busy in fact, that I haven't felt that I had time to update my site. Things have settled down a bit for the time being, so its time for me to get back to getting some of this stuff online. So, lets get started, eh?
First up is a cover I did for Dungeons and Dragons. This was for Wizards of the Coast's Free RPG Day product, Bloodsand Arena. It was one of the first of their new Dark Sun line of books, and was a real treat for me to work on.
More to follow!
Also, you can now follow me on twitter if you like @TylerWalpole. Find out new and exciting things, like what I'm having for lunch, or if my socks match today! Or, you know, more art and stuff.
really nice, man. dig those colors!